Thursday, 6 November 2008

The Year's at the Spring

The Year's at the Spring

The year's at the spring,
d day's at the morn;
Morning's at seven;
The hill-side's dew-pearled;
The lark's on the wing;
The snail's on the thorn;
God's in his Heaven—
All's right with the world!

Robert Browning

This poem has a very serene theme that fully shows the beauty of the period of spring. It is a very short poem of only eight verses with a simple rhyme scheme of "A-B-C-D-A-B-C-D". It begins by stating that it is springtime. It is morning, in particular seven AM: "Morning's at seven" (verse three). Then the poem continues by describing what is happening: there is dew on the hillside, the lark is already flying and the snail is resting on a thorn. Finally the poem is concluded with a scene of God in Heaven and the phrase "All's right with the world!" (verse eight), completing the scene of universal tranquility. This poem's theme suggests a natural order and peace that only seems to be present during springtime. The speaker gives an overview of this everlasting tranquility. Even God himself is peaceful. This is my favourite of Browning's poems that I have read, for while I read it I gain a feeling of interior peace and order. I also believe that Browning deliberately made the poem short to trasnmit the message of peace in a few words, o that the impact on the reader could be sharp and quick.

The scene Browning could hav tried to portray with "The Year's at the Spring"


Unknown said...

I love this beautiful poem and your post is also so informative to me. Thank!

Unknown said...

I somewhat learned this poem in the 8th grade because of it's
simplicity and the idea that the whole world is in order,
when in fact it is not.
It pleases me to see it and to recite it.
God bless ,Robert Browning